Happy New Year to all our members, and I wish you all a successful and fulfilling year of golf ahead.
I am sure that you will all by now be aware of our upcoming AGM and the momentous vote we are asking you to take as we look to unify the County.
The AGM takes place on Monday 27th January, 10.00 for 10.30 at Crondon Park Golf Club. All members of affiliated clubs are welcome to attend, although only your delegate will be able to vote on behalf of your lady members.
For those of you who may not have attended one of the presentations we held towards the end of last year, the proposed unification with the EGU is a major step forward for golf in Essex. We are proposing that golf for all ages, gender and ability be administered by just one body, Essex County Golf, based at the EGU offices in Witham. A new board of directors will be formed, with representation of both men and women at director level. All existing functions will continue and be managed by sub-committees with a director overseeing each area.
The unification offers not only the opportunity to redefine golf in the county, but also to streamline the number of volunteers needed to operate a successful county, and to eliminate duplication of roles. The efficiencies in terms of time, involvement and costs speak for themselves and the opportunity to become one of the most successful counties in the country, immense.
Details of the merger can be found on the website and I do urge you to read them to understand why we feel this is such an important step forward for golf in our county. Together we are stronger, more efficient and more effective.
I do hope to see as many of you as possible at the AGM, and don’t forget to bring your credit card, as we have a pop-up shop from Swing Out Sister too.
Finally, don’t forget to sign up for our 2025 knockout competitions, they are open for sign-up from Sunday 5th January, along with the Bronze and Silver Handicap meetings.
With best wishes to you all,
Elaine Davidson
County Captain